“Can legumes save the world?”
A question we invited visitors to think of at the Global Bean booth for the open-house day of the German Federal Ministry for Environment and Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV).

We believe the answer is “yes”!
Through “root windows” visitors could discover the nodules on the legumes’ roots, hosting the Rhizobia bacteria having the impressive properties of fixing nitrogen. Various legume plants where exposed, including the chickpea, lupine, faba bean,…
Romain Elleboudt, doing educational work at the Global Field in Berlin, presented the installation to Dr. Christiane Rohleder, State Secretary at the BMUV.

A legume quiz enabled visitors to test their legume knowledge, and to win unique legume seeds!

We thank our partners at the ÖBZ(Ecological Education Center) in Munic and Genbänkle/Tatgut.de for providing a great diversity of seeds that we were able to expose.
We also received the visit of Steffi Lemke, German Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection

All in all, through rain and sunshine, it has been a great experience at the open-house day of the BMUV.

For the Global Bean Team as well!

Photo on Global Bean Banner: @uliwestphal