
Behind the Seeds: Fava Bean Customs in Egypt with Simone Nabil (Egypt)


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In this 7th ‘Behind the Seeds’ interview, Simone, who is originally from Egypt and lives in France, tells us that Egyptians consume a lot of beans, and that they are an important part of the country’s traditional food.

Find out more about Simone and the Fava Bean in this article!

Simone Nabil © Global Bean

The Fava Bean

The dry Fava Beans © Global Bean

As Simone explains in the video, the Fava beans are really famous in Egypt, and are part of the traditionnal food of the country. As she lives in France, she noticed that it is difficult to find the same quality of Fava beans as in Egypt.

Indeed, the beans from Egypt are smaller but more tasty, and that’s why Simone prefers the Fava Beans from Egypt. 

In Egypt, you can find beans in different forms: 

  •  dry beans, the most used in Egyptian recipes.
  • fresh ones, mostly bought in cans.

To prepare the dry beans, you have to soak them in the water overnight or more, you can let them several days, until they start to germinate and they pop up. Depending on the recipe that you want to make, you can cook them and use them as they are, or as a puree, or in falafel. In that las case you need to remove the skin with your hand – but it’s easy! 

Simone peeling the fresh fava beans © Global Bean

Egyptian Falafel and Puree

The Egyptian falafel are different than the Libanian or the Syrian ones, because they are made of Fava beans and not chickpeas.

Falafel © La cuisine de Bernard

To make falafel, you have to prepare your fresh beans or buy them, and mix them with onions and coriander.

You can also make a purée with fresh fava beans, by mixing them with coriander that you eat with fried onions.

At last, according to Simone, the easiest way to eat fava beans is to have the cooked beans (with the skin on) with oil, lemon and salt. It’s delicious!

Fava bean dish ©


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