

  • Social business hero´s kitchen
  • local loving lecker
  • Passionate about cooking and slow food
  • Interest in global perspective of food
  • We organize a local farmers market, caterings and do educational work
  • Specialized in digital cooking events
  • Food of the future: legumes, fermentation, cabbage

Global Bean projects we are involved in:

We can offer:

Contagious enthusiasm about using legumes, digital cooking events, food connection on European base.

We seek:

Inspiration for recipes, international network for promoting the digital courses.

In the Global Bean network since:
July 2022


Summer Cooking With Lentils!

The lentil goes particularly well in fresh, summertime recipes. Claudia from heldenkueche and Cecilia Antoni share their tips and tricks during an inspiring cooking session!

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Contributor on: Give Peas a Chance


The Global Bean Project enters a new phase

During its two fruitful first years, The Global Bean Project has been funded by the German environment ministry (BMUV) and we were able to carry out a variety of activities with a central coordination amongst a growing global network of experts and enthusiasts. The network now counts above 100 partners from 37 countries. From now

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Global Bean at Terra Madre

Until now the Global Bean Project has been a digital network  for me. Enthusiastic people —some might say nerdy :)) — work together to share knowledge through online meetings and publications to promote the wonderful and diverse family of legumes. This time however, thanks to our yearly cooking event „Give peas a chance“ in collaboration

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Lentil Salad À La Heldenküche

Until now the Global Bean Project has been a digital network  for me. Enthusiastic people —some might say nerdy :)) — work together to share knowledge through online meetings and publications to promote the wonderful and diverse family of legumes. This time however, thanks to our yearly cooking event „Give peas a chance“ in collaboration

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